Robert J. Winn's Blog

How Yoga can Help Reduce Stress

How Yoga can Help Reduce Stress

Stress, unfortunately, is something that makes its way into peoples everyday lives. Vigorous work schedules, finances, and obligations continue to weigh on peoples minds daily. Finding ways to eliminate stress is a major key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. One of...

How to Get your Hospital Bills Lowered

How to Get your Hospital Bills Lowered

Last year, Americans borrowed $88 billion to pay for healthcare expenses that their insurance didn’t cover. Forty-five percent of those surveyed said they scared a significant health occurrence would cause them to go bankrupt. Two out of three patients are unable to...

Signs that You Need to go to the Doctor

Signs that You Need to go to the Doctor

A slight deviation from your body's physiological functioning can cause significant pain and health problems. It is crucial to realize the critical physiological signs whenever you get sick to ensure that you seek medical attention promptly. Failure to recognize the...

Myths About the Flu Vaccine

Myths About the Flu Vaccine

Every year around flu seasons, hundreds of people share their thoughts on the vaccine: why it’s not worth it, why it’ll just make you sick, and how they haven’t had one in twenty years and have never gotten ill. There are a lot of myths and misconceptions surrounding...

How to Advocate for Yourself at the Doctor’s Office

How to Advocate for Yourself at the Doctor’s Office

Visiting the doctor is not supposed to be an action that evokes fear, yet it does for so many people. Some of them are worried about conditions that they might have, and others are afraid of having to advocate for themselves. Individuals who fall into the latter group...

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