Robert J. Winn's Blog

Gun Control Is a Public Health Concern

Gun Control Is a Public Health Concern

Since the tragic shooting at Columbine, the US has lived through some of the worst acts of domestic terrorism that the developed world has ever seen. From schools to churches to concerts to clubs to army barracks, many places formerly believed to be safe community...

Corrections Health Care: Challenges and Opportunities

Corrections Health Care: Challenges and Opportunities

When we talk about community health care, most people prefer to keep the conversation focused on our achievements and future possibilities. We talk about the local clinics that provide flu shots and screenings to uninsured families, about school health education...

A Need for Medical Empathy

A Need for Medical Empathy

A patient is more than a collection of well-arranged data points or a series of symptoms to be decoded. The rise of medical technology aides such as IBM's Watson, which can sort through libraries of medical data in a matter of moments, has led some to speculate that a...

On Naloxone and the Rising Cost of Saving Lives

On Naloxone and the Rising Cost of Saving Lives

Modern medicine is nothing short of present-day magic; hard-earned and studied for sure, but miraculous nonetheless. Long years of study and research have allowed physicians to heal conditions that would have been fatal only a decade or two ago. In abstract, the...

How to Survive the Holidays

How to Survive the Holidays

Gleeful snowmen, chipper carols, and endless holiday chatter pervades the air. Even in the early days of December, lines of cheerful parents waiting with their children to talk to Santa stretch across mall courtyards. People of all ages are basking in the holiday...

What’s In a Name? Defining a Public Health Emergency

What’s In a Name? Defining a Public Health Emergency

In the space of a few months, Americans have seen a decade's worth of disaster. Countless homes and lives were destroyed in the wake of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma; to this day, many of those living in Puerto Rico are still living without without power or easy access...

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