Even in its mildest form, a case of sleep apnea can become an extremely disrupting element in a person’s life. At its worst, however, sleep apnea can bring about brain damage or even death. Whether a sleep-deprived person crashes their car due to impaired levels...
As we age, we often find ourselves taking more prescription medications. Part of the aging process means our bodies don’t always function as well as they used to. Often we find ourselves taking medications to counterbalance the side effects of aging. According to...
A slight deviation from your body’s physiological functioning can cause significant pain and health problems. It is crucial to realize the critical physiological signs whenever you get sick to ensure that you seek medical attention promptly. Failure to recognize...
(Continued from Part I) Clearly, patients aren’t using primary care services as much as they should – but can that all be chalked up to convenience? Studies say no. According to an 2015 NPR poll, 20% of surveyed patients choose urgent or emergency care...
You wake up with a cough. It’s not a bad one, you decide, and definitely not enough to keep you home from work. Rent’s due in a week, and you know that missing out on the ten hours of the construction work your boss found you would put you awfully close to...