Robert J. Winn's Blog

What Is Bariatric Surgery?

What Is Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgery is a term that encompasses weight-loss surgeries such as gastric bypass. These procedures help implement changes to the digestive system to let the patient lose weight. Bariatric surgery has its place when exercise and diet have not worked, as well...

5 Common Causes of Sleep Apnea

5 Common Causes of Sleep Apnea

Even in its mildest form, a case of sleep apnea can become an extremely disrupting element in a person's life. At its worst, however, sleep apnea can bring about brain damage or even death. Whether a sleep-deprived person crashes their car due to impaired levels of...

Diabetes 101: Blood Sugar & A1C

Diabetes 101: Blood Sugar & A1C

While diabetes is a common condition, it is a complex and widely misunderstood disease. Millions of people are currently living with this chronic illness, while many more are diagnosed or have loved ones who are affected by it. It is a serious ailment that can result...

Self-care Tips for Treating Dry Eyes

Self-care Tips for Treating Dry Eyes

You may not think of it as a big deal if you have dry eyes. Maybe you rub your eyes frequently. Maybe your vision gets a bit blurry sometimes. But many people tend to ignore the issue of dry eyes. However, if you suffer from dry eye, here are some facts that may make...

Antibiotic Resistance: What You Need to Know

Antibiotic Resistance: What You Need to Know

Most of us have been prescribed an antibiotic when we’ve been feeling under-the-weather. We take the medications, and shortly thereafter, we start feeling better. For so long, they’ve done such a great job of defeating even life-threatening diseases. The use of...

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