Robert J. Winn's Blog

How Can I Support Healthcare Workers During the Pandemic?
It's no secret that healthcare workers are facing the greatest risks in this pandemic, but they're also experiencing personal issues in caring for their families. Due to the hours they're required to work, many healthcare providers are unable to get groceries, or...

When Will It Be Safe to Go Out to Restaurants and What Will “Safe” Look Like?
With many restaurants opening back up, many are starting to wonder whether it's safe to begin visiting them or if they should wait it out. Preventing the spread of the coronavirus will involve following these guidelines. Social distancing is still the top priority....

Using Masks to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19
The CDC's official recommendation to wear a mask has many Americans looking not just for masks to wear but guidelines on how to use them. Following proper use and care of masks can promote health while failing to do so may be riskier than not wearing a mask. The CDC...

Common Thyroid Issues & How They’re Treated
An essential part of the endocrine system, the thyroid, which is a gland shaped somewhat like a butterfly and located at the neck's base beneath the Adam's apple, manufactures the hormones that work in the regulation of the body's metabolism. While small, this gland...

The ABCs of Hepatitis
Hepatitis is a viral infection that affects the liver. There are essential differences in the symptoms and treatments between the three types--Hepatitis A, B, and C. Hepatitis A The hepatitis A virus (HAV) is the least dangerous type because it rarely causes liver...

The Ins and Outs of Sinus Infections
Healthy sinuses are openings filled only with air. When a sinus infection occurs, they get bogged down with mucus. Then, bacteria and viruses can start to replicate and spread. Sinus infections can be very annoying. The symptoms can include headaches, fever, bad...

Combating Seasonal Allergies
For millions of people, springtime means fresh air, sunshine, and blooming trees and flowers. For other millions, it means fighting seasonal allergies, also known as hay fever, that make them feel miserable and keep them from going outside to do the things they love....

Mental Health During Social Distancing
Amid the COVID-19 outbreak, many people's first concern is protecting their physical health. Hence, it's especially helpful for individuals to maintain their distance during these times to reduce the spread of this pandemic. However, while social distancing, another...

Are Face Masks Effective When It Comes Viruses?
As the 2019 strain of coronavirus, COVID-19, spread around the world, worry has increased. While people are right to protect themselves from contracting the virus, which has proven to be fatal for those people who have compromised immune systems, there is some...

Hand Washing 101
More people are paying attention to their cleanliness habits, and that includes the proper washing of hands. Washing your hands regularly can prevent you from catching diseases spread by disease-causing microbes and pathogens like the coronavirus. Hand washing has to...