Robert J. Winn's Blog

What to Do if You Get Poison Ivy

What to Do if You Get Poison Ivy

Urushiol is the name of a sap-like oil that is found in poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac plants. This is the cause of the allergic rash-like reaction that many people get. The oil is located throughout the plants, including the leaves, roots, and stems.  Like...

Know the Warning Signs of Heat-Related Illness

Know the Warning Signs of Heat-Related Illness

When days get longer and temperatures creep upward, you have to be particularly vigilant about noticing the signs of heat-related illnesses and know how to combat them. While it is true that ailments caused by extreme heat are particularly harmful to the elderly or...

Is It Safe to Go to the Doctor?

Is It Safe to Go to the Doctor?

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, it is best to stay home when at all possible. Staying home puts you and your family at the least amount of risk for contracting or spreading COVID-19. However, accidents happen, and routine check-ups still need to occur. Is the doctor's...

Sunscreen Myths – Get the Facts

Sunscreen Myths – Get the Facts

Most people are aware of the dangers of the sun’s harmful rays. Too much exposure affects the skin in often drastic ways, and can even lead to skin cancer. To combat these dangers, people liberally apply sunscreen and go on with their activities. Misconceptions about...

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