Communication with Patients

Communication with Patients

Communication skills are very important to us as individuals and are often used to determine how others respond to us. For instance, when dealing with patients who are distant from you, verbal communication is often the only option. Being able to communicate...
What to Do if You Get Poison Ivy

What to Do if You Get Poison Ivy

Urushiol is the name of a sap-like oil that is found in poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac plants. This is the cause of the allergic rash-like reaction that many people get. The oil is located throughout the plants, including the leaves, roots, and stems.  Like...
Common Thyroid Issues & How They’re Treated

Common Thyroid Issues & How They’re Treated

An essential part of the endocrine system, the thyroid, which is a gland shaped somewhat like a butterfly and located at the neck’s base beneath the Adam’s apple, manufactures the hormones that work in the regulation of the body’s metabolism. While...
Hand Washing 101

Hand Washing 101

More people are paying attention to their cleanliness habits, and that includes the proper washing of hands. Washing your hands regularly can prevent you from catching diseases spread by disease-causing microbes and pathogens like the coronavirus. Hand washing has to...
Health Implications of Food Insecurity in the U.S.

Health Implications of Food Insecurity in the U.S.

Over 37 million Americans were food insecure in 2018. This is an estimated one in nine Americans. More than 11 million children are included in this figure. According to the USDA, or U.S. Department of Agriculture, food insecurity is the dearth of dependable access to...