Most people are aware of the dangers of the sun’s harmful rays. Too much exposure affects the skin in often drastic ways, and can even lead to skin cancer. To combat these dangers, people liberally apply sunscreen and go on with their activities. Misconceptions about...
It’s no secret that healthcare workers are facing the greatest risks in this pandemic, but they’re also experiencing personal issues in caring for their families. Due to the hours they’re required to work, many healthcare providers are unable to get...
An essential part of the endocrine system, the thyroid, which is a gland shaped somewhat like a butterfly and located at the neck’s base beneath the Adam’s apple, manufactures the hormones that work in the regulation of the body’s metabolism. While...
Hepatitis is a viral infection that affects the liver. There are essential differences in the symptoms and treatments between the three types–Hepatitis A, B, and C. Hepatitis A The hepatitis A virus (HAV) is the least dangerous type because it rarely causes...
Healthy sinuses are openings filled only with air. When a sinus infection occurs, they get bogged down with mucus. Then, bacteria and viruses can start to replicate and spread. Sinus infections can be very annoying. The symptoms can include headaches, fever, bad...