Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers found in men in the United States, second only to skin cancers. Knowing the signs and symptoms of prostate cancer is vital since early detection is a critical factor when it comes to effective treatments. This is what...
More than 102 million adults are estimated to have high cholesterol levels. High cholesterol is a serious condition that can affect heart health and function. Each September is dedicated to educating people about high cholesterol and what steps can lower it....
Urushiol is the name of a sap-like oil that is found in poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac plants. This is the cause of the allergic rash-like reaction that many people get. The oil is located throughout the plants, including the leaves, roots, and stems. Like...
During the COVID-19 Pandemic, it is best to stay home when at all possible. Staying home puts you and your family at the least amount of risk for contracting or spreading COVID-19. However, accidents happen, and routine check-ups still need to occur. Is the...
Most people are aware of the dangers of the sun’s harmful rays. Too much exposure affects the skin in often drastic ways, and can even lead to skin cancer. To combat these dangers, people liberally apply sunscreen and go on with their activities. Misconceptions about...