How Can I Support Healthcare Workers During the Pandemic?

How Can I Support Healthcare Workers During the Pandemic?

It’s no secret that healthcare workers are facing the greatest risks in this pandemic, but they’re also experiencing personal issues in caring for their families. Due to the hours they’re required to work, many healthcare providers are unable to get...
Combating Seasonal Allergies

Combating Seasonal Allergies

For millions of people, springtime means fresh air, sunshine, and blooming trees and flowers. For other millions, it means fighting seasonal allergies, also known as hay fever, that make them feel miserable and keep them from going outside to do the things they love....
Mental Health During Social Distancing

Mental Health During Social Distancing

Amid the COVID-19 outbreak, many people’s first concern is protecting their physical health. Hence, it’s especially helpful for individuals to maintain their distance during these times to reduce the spread of this pandemic. However, while social...
Hand Washing 101

Hand Washing 101

More people are paying attention to their cleanliness habits, and that includes the proper washing of hands. Washing your hands regularly can prevent you from catching diseases spread by disease-causing microbes and pathogens like the coronavirus. Hand washing has to...