Despite the fact that heart disease is a major cause of death, it’s not inevitable. There are many ways to reduce your risk of developing heart disease.

Here are a few ways to improve your heart healt

Get Moving

Getting enough exercise can help lower your risk of heart disease. It can also help control your weight and prevent other conditions that can affect the heart, such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

Although it’s important to maintain a consistent exercise program, even shorter bouts can help. For instance, try taking the stairs or gardening if you want to improve your heart health. Although it’s not necessary to exercise hard to achieve these benefits, you can still see more significant gains by increasing the intensity of your workouts.

Create a Healthy Diet

A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and other nutritious food sources can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure, protect the heart, and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. It also includes lean meats, low-fat dairy products, and other healthy options.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Being overweight, especially around the middle, can increase your risk of heart diseases and other conditions that can affect it, such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

The BMI, which measures a person’s weight and height, determines whether they are overweight or obese. Individuals with a BMI of over 25 are considered overweight, and this can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

Get Quality Sleep

Individuals who aren’t getting enough sleep are more prone to experiencing various health conditions, such as high blood pressure, depression, and obesity.

Getting enough sleep is important for adults, as it can help them maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle. A straightforward way to ensure that you get enough sleep is to set a schedule that includes going to bed and waking up every day at the same time.

 If you believe you’re getting enough sleep, but you’re still tired, it’s essential to talk to your doctor about having an evaluation for sleep apnea, which can lead to heart disease. People with this condition tend to have loud snoring and stop breathing during sleep.

Get Regular Screenings

High blood pressure and cholesterol can damage the blood vessels and heart. Without testing for these conditions, you may not know if you have them. Having regular screenings can help determine if you need to take action.