Robert J. Winn's Blog

How to Advocate for Yourself at the Doctor’s Office

How to Advocate for Yourself at the Doctor’s Office

Visiting the doctor is not supposed to be an action that evokes fear, yet it does for so many people. Some of them are worried about conditions that they might have, and others are afraid of having to advocate for themselves. Individuals who fall into the latter group...

Gun Control Is a Public Health Concern

Gun Control Is a Public Health Concern

Since the tragic shooting at Columbine, the US has lived through some of the worst acts of domestic terrorism that the developed world has ever seen. From schools to churches to concerts to clubs to army barracks, many places formerly believed to be safe community...

Corrections Health Care: Challenges and Opportunities

Corrections Health Care: Challenges and Opportunities

When we talk about community health care, most people prefer to keep the conversation focused on our achievements and future possibilities. We talk about the local clinics that provide flu shots and screenings to uninsured families, about school health education...

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